
Our curries and stews are incomplete without cumin, also known as zeera. Cumin or jeera are essential ingredients in Indian cuisine. We use it in nearly every dish because of its earthy flavour. But what you may not know is that cumin seeds or even cumin powder may be quite useful in the treatment of medical, skin, and hair problems.

When it comes to treating common diseases such as indigestion and acne, jeera's anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant qualities make it a very efficient and safe remedy

However, did you know that jeera also gives numerous advantages to the skin? This ingredient can be used in your skincare and haircare regimen. Listed below are cumin seeds benefits for the skin:

Cumin for Face:

The cumin includes antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help calm the skin and keep it free of blemishes. Cumin's essential oils can help tone the skin and increase blood flow and circulation. This natural ingredient can also be used as a great exfoliator, so it's a win-win. Here are some cumin seed benefits for the skin:

Cumin for Acne:

If you have acne-prone skin, jeera should be your go-to skincare ingredient. Having antibacterial properties, jeera can be used to destroy skin bacteria responsible for causing pimples. Simply washing your face with water laced with jeera throughout the day can keep acne at bay and heal a variety of other skin diseases, too.

Cumin for Glowing Skin:

To achieve beautiful skin without spending a fortune at the salon, you can incorporate jeera in your skincare routine. Mix finely ground turmeric and cumin in a bowl in a 3:1 ratio, then add honey to form a smooth paste and apply to the face. After the mask dries, wipe it off with warm water to remove any remaining residue on your face and neck. You'll have smooth, bright skin in no time at all with this mask.

Cumin for Soothing Skin:

If you're searching for a natural way to soothe your skin, jeera is an excellent choice. You can use it to get relief from skin irritation or allergies since it contains anti-inflammatory properties. After soaking a handful of jeera seeds in water overnight, make a paste using the seeds and apply it to your skin. After 30 minutes, wash the solution off.

Cumin for Anti-Aging:

One of the most beneficial effects of cumin seed for face is its ability to moisturise the skin. As an antioxidant, it includes a high quantity of vitamin E, which is known to combat free radicals and prevent the appearance of ageing-related symptoms such as wrinkles and sagging skin, age spots, etc. Our bodies benefit from regular consumption of cumin seeds by obtaining adequate amounts of vitamin A, C and E. Regular consumption of jeera water can also assist in slowing down the ageing process.

Cumin for Skin Disorders:

Cumin seeds have a massive amount of vitamin E, which helps maintain our skin healthy and free of ailments. To further preserve our skin, the essential oil in the jeera seed possesses antifungal and antibacterial qualities. If you're struggling with acne and pimples, a jeera-based anti-acne toner might be the answer. Boil some jeera in water, then remove it from the heat and set it aside to cool. Using this water as an anti-acne toner will help you get rid of acne. 

Cumin for Boils:

Boils on our skin are a sign of harmful chemicals accumulating in our bodies. When it comes to treating boils, cumin is an excellent natural remedy. Cuminaldehyde, thymol, and phosphorous are some of the detoxifying agents included in this product. Cumin powder or cumin seed added to our regular diets can help prevent skin boils. We may also maintain our skin healthy and free of boils by drinking jeera tea or water on a regular basis. Another option is to mix black jeera powder and water to form a fine paste that can be applied to the boils for quicker relief.

Cumin for Nourishment:

Cumin seeds are a great source of essential nutrients for our skin. When it comes to digestion, we all know that jeera is a godsend. A lot of our skin's nutrition comes from our diet and digestion. Face packs, face masks, and serums aren't enough; you also need to watch what you eat in order to maintain a healthy, radiant, and problem-free face. Drinking jeera water regularly might help improve our digestive system, which helps our skin absorb all the necessary elements in our food. In addition, it promotes healthy and radiant skin.

Now that you know how wonderfully cumin contributes to keeping our skin healthy and glowing- don't forget to add it to your diet & skin care regimen. 

To shop fresh & 100% authentic cumin seeds or cumin powder, make sure to visit Vasant Masala's online masala store.